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Welcome to Shetland's dog directory!

Providing you all with information on the top places to take your four legged friend

Everything you need to know about having a dog in Shetland

From travel advice, hotels, vets, shops and much more!

The Ten Commandments

Before you go any further, it is important you read and understand the doggy "Ten Commandments". These are eight simple, common sense rules for our four legged friends to ensure positive doggy etiquette followed by two fair rules for our two legged, dog loving folk running the show! These rules form the main body by which every dog lover abides by when visiting a dog friendly location to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all


In the event of an emergency, it is important to know the location and phone number of your nearest vet services. Please keep this information to hand during your stay in Shetland

Travelling with your dog

Getting on and off of the islands can be tricky! So we'll try and make it as simple as possible by explaining it all here. You'll also find travel advice regarding your time staying here including public transport and car hire. 


From cute little cafes, to unique dining experiences, is there anything better than enjoying a good meal with your dog curled up at your feet? Click below to explore Shetland's dog friendly eateries.

Bone Appetit! (pun intended)


After a long day spent exploring, where are the best places for you and your furry friend to rest for the night? Find out here!


Shetland has lots to offer in the way of reTAIL therapy, but where can you shop that your pooch is welcome? Click below to explore Shetland's dog friendly shops with deals bound to keep both your tails wagging!

Lets go!

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